Thursday 3 December 2015

How to Know You Have Cataracts

Cataracts can be a real pain, and there isn’t much that can be done once they develop. There are treatment options to make it easier to see, however, and they are most effective if the problem is found early on. Here are some signs that you have a cataract problem.

Clouded, Blurred or Dim Vision

Although it may not be obvious at first due to only affecting a small portion of your eye’s lens, this is one of the first sign of a cataract.

Increasing Difficulty Seeing at Night

AS the cataract grows, it will distort light passing through the lens, which will make it even harder to see the little bit of light given off by the moon at night.

Sensitivity to Light

Light will also be distorted when reading your lens, which may divert it in such a way that it become aggravating and start to cause pain when there is too much light in the room.

Seeing “Halos” Around Lights

This is also caused by the distortion of light that is caused by the cataract getting in the way of the lens.

Frequent Corrective Lens Prescription Changes

Although the problem may not be obvious to anyone at first, including doctors, your doctor may start to suspect a problem if you are frequently changing your prescription. Your doctor may actually be the first to suggest seeing professional help, and for that you can see cataract treatment in La Mesa, visit this website.

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